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    One is bound to make assumptions at one time or another… suffice it to say “that was the birthplace of this piece”. For the most part, however, assumptions are not always great, because they tend to mar our opinion and views of the things around us. This is because actions, words, basically anything can be misinterpreted when one makes incorrect assumptions (I know this for a fact.) I figured out that I tend to assume things more often than not.

   That being said, it's obvious that assumptions may or may not yield the right outcome, mainly because, they are based on information which we had previously known to be true, something we have learnt and have come to rely on as a criteria with which to "predict" other things.  Therefore we basically assume that anything that's in line with it will produce the same outcome as we have come to know, and hence our utter dismay when they prove to be otherwise. Assumptions are made mostly without any concrete proof; this is why it's bound to be mostly incorrect. 

  Assumption does come in handy in learning; it’s actually the bases on which hypothesis stem. Over time however the test of their validity is carried out, some go on to be established while others are booted out, literary assumptions are quite necessary, as well as medical assumptions.  People assume a lot of things. Like it's natural to assume that “the sun will shine today because the sun had shone last week and yesterday”. I assume that “I'm going to have a great time on my next birthday because I did the last time” or that “you'd get a good score because you studied well for an examination”. These causes and effects over time, register a sequence in our thought pattern, and hence, when we are presented with an effect, we automatically assume our preferred pre-programmed cause and vice versa. And we are often shocked when we find things played out otherwise.

     As much as we may have our own model situations and logical sequence, it is best however to keep an open mind and be able to consider things from fresh and different perspectives, this will help us adapt more to the changes and the differences we find in our environments which may be at par with what we have come to know and trust. When we do, we'll find that our lives are better because we'll learn new things and our relationships and interactions will be stronger because we'll learn not to judge people but to understand and appreciate them and the way they think. 

Hello Friends, we believe you must have been enjoying your stay here. We need your support on the On-going Nigerian Blog Awards. 

We would please like you to kindly nominate our Blog  for "The best Writing blog, Faith based blog, and  Inspirational/motivational/personal development blog"

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Newton Paul's Blog
