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   I can hear someone saying “yea I have watched that movie”. If you have seen the movie, we are conversant with the sixteen years damsel named Hazel Grace Lancaster who as a cancer patient is forced by her parents to attend a support group where she subsequently meets and falls in love with the seventeen year old Augustus Waters, an ex-basketball player and amputee. Isaac a friend to Augustus has an eye defect which gets him blind after an operation. The touching part of the movie is Augustus and Hazel falling in love but death really set them apart.
   I got thinking while watching the movie “are there really faults in our stars”. I know many people didn’t really get the theme of the movie, let me break it down.
   I’m not a geographer but I admire cosmology. So far we must have heard rumors that says “a star is bigger than the earth like a million or thousand times”, well I really don’t know how true it is cos I havn’t seen one, I only get to see two major satellite which are the sun and moon whom I paint their picture as mummy and daddy while the stars are the children. (Please don’t laugh at my 3d brain).
   Okay now we are on same page, you have heard the saying “the kids of today are the leaders of tomorrow” stars in this case mean “our children” who are going to shine at night (future). If there is a fault in them today, it means the future is going to lack some vital ingredient therefore making the skies ugly because it’s empty like a chalk board without stars to colour it.
   Talking of the movie the two characters have several deformities, it was a fault that hinder them from actualizing their dreams, I believe if Augustus didn’t die in he would have written and published the amazing novel he promised Hazel. Due to his fault (cancer) his dreams embarked on a cold dark voyage.
   Relating the theme of the movie to this article, the fault in our stars is that kids and youth of today refuse working on themselves into becoming a star for the future; they are too dull to even be tagged as stars. Majority are fighting to be up in the skies while very few are working to remain in the skies.

  •   You are a dude with an uncontrolled hunger for new girls, you find it difficult to stick with one girl meanwhile sometime in the future you will be the head of an organization. What are the tendencies “coitus” won’t be your alias? That’s a fault
  •    You are a girl drunk in hot temper; you want things done your own way regardless of how short sighted you are to issues. What are the tendencies that you won’t blow off like a nuclear grenade someday decaying all you worked so hard in accomplishing? That’s a fault.
  •   You can’t help drinking and smoking, don’t blame God when your fault gives birth to an imbecile as an offspring.
  • You have no idea on what you want to be in the next five years and you are a graduate. That’s a fault. 
  •  You refuse working on your God given talent. That’s a fault.

   I can go on and on in listing so much fault our stars have…tell me how many stars do you think we will have when night falls? I guess they will be few. Do you plan to be up in the skies someday? The sky is just too large to contain as many people that wish to hang on it. My focus is not climbing but remaining. Don’t let your today fault hinder your tomorrow. Wake up and rise up. Cheers.
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