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Are you dating him but deep down contemplating if he wants to have you as a wife or preferably as a sidekick or pals forever? Then you should pay attention to this. Men do some giveaway on their intention especially when it comes to a life changing decisions like getting married.
Here are some “giveaway” that can enable you spot if a guy is interested in marrying you.

He Says Things Like "You're The Only One Who...": When a man makes it clear how special you are (obviously), by saying you're the only woman who's ever done fill-in-the-blank for him or made him feel this way, he's on his way to don the tux. 

You're Invited To His Family Events: If he imagines you having a lead role in the big picture, he will include you in family holidays and bring you as his plus one to other special events. He wouldn't want his family and friends to get close to you if he didn't want you to stick around for the long haul.
    Source: Andrea Syrtash, relationship expert and author of He's Just Not Your Type (And That's a Good Thing)

He Considers You Part of His Team: Because a guy's career is a main part of his identity, confiding in you about work problems or crediting you for work successes means that he values you as an equal. Ditto for referring to you as a proud member of his "team." That means you're in life partner territory.
    Source: Paul Dobransky, M.D., director of

He Has Married Friends: Does he roll his eyes at every wedding invitation he gets? Or moan about another double date with your married friends? This could be a giveaway that he's not ready...yet. But if most of a guy's network of friends is married already, he's going to start feeling like the odd man out and be more comfortable taking the leap himself.
    Source: Andrea Syrtash, relationship expert and author of He's Just Not Your Type (And That's a Good Thing) 

He Increases His Touch: Once he decides you're going to be his future Mrs., expect him to be way more touchy-feely, almost like when you first started dating. He might massage your neck when you're working or touch your arm while you're cooking.
    Source: Body language expert Janine Driver, author of You Can't Lie To Me

He Wants To Live Together: Nothing says “committed” more than a guy giving up his precious man cave. If he's willing to share his space voluntarily not just as a way to save money he's thinking wifey material. For many guys, it's like the dress rehearsal before the main act. Bonus points if he brings up the topic. . (If only my pastor will permit such this won’t be a bad idea)
Source: Paul Dobransky, M.D., director of

He Suggests Sharing More Than Just a Bedroom: And we're not referring to bodily fluids here... Because money is also key to a dude's ego, his willingness to open a joint bank account or get a pet with you shows that he wants to solidify your bond (I can see the ladies are smiling)
Source: Paul Dobransky, M.D., director of

His Normal Behavior Starts Going Into Overdrive: If you've been together for a while and all of a sudden, he starts to act first-day-of-school excited, that might mean he's getting giddy at the thought of proposing. 
   Source: Body language expert Janine Driver, author of You Can't Lie To Me 

He Doesn't Call You Bossy: Any marriage therapist will tell you feeling on equal ground is key. So if your guy never calls you "bossy," "controlling," or "uptight," it's a good sign. Those words imply that he feels he's being caged in. So if he doesn't use them, that means he's open to sharing his life with someone whose skills and abilities complement his own. (Nigeria men does this apply to us?)
    Source: Paul Dobransky, M.D., director of

His Paternal Clock is Ticking: Yup, guys have a ticking time bomb too. Even if they're not ready for diapers yet, many men worry about being old dads. If he makes a joke about your future kids, you know he's imagining settling down and starting his own family with you.
    Source: Andrea Syrtash, relationship expert and author of He's Just Not Your Type (And That's a Good Thing)

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