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When dumb phones were upgraded to smart phones, you will agree with me auto-correct molested you in several ways.

Most times our phones act over smart that they portray us to the public as dumb people, sometimes kill our chances of creating a good first impression.

On a lighter note on auto-correct, in some occasions, it turns out to be a hilarious moment when you mean something and the word doesn’t spell out right…okay lets laugh for a few minute with these pictures.

Had fun? I cracked a rib while reading them all. I did a few minute researches to see the dark side of spell-checkers and you won’t believe what I saw. 

“Spellcheckers and other technology have created an "auto-correct generation" unable to spell many common words, a survey suggests.The poll of more than 2,000 adults for learning disability charity Mencap claims a third could not spell the word "definitely".Some two-thirds picked a wrong spelling for "necessary".And 96% said spelling was important, but two-thirds use spellcheckers all or most of the time.Fewer than one in 10 (9%) said they never use a spellcheck”.(Source: Poor Spelling of “Auto-correct generation” revealed)

Let’s not shy away from it, majority of us are guilty on this spelling issue.

With the advent of technology, new ways of doing old things has made task faster, easier, even paint us as smart. Typing and writing these days are uneven, one is getting supreme than the other. 

I remember during my days of junior secondary and senior secondary examinations, the initiation of mobile phones was just on the rise in that era but we relied on our raw sense for information, spelling, calculations and so on. 

Unlike today where any mistake one is bound to make while typing a word or sentence is spotted via inbuilt auto-correct dictionary. This action so far has been great, beautiful, and innovative but it’s destroying our brains. We are becoming more reliant on technology to do things for us. 

I was confused over the title to pick from the list…“Smart phone the dumb gadget”, “Smart can make you dumber”, “Auto-correct or Auto-defect”.

You won’t believe how many spelling mistakes I have made while typing this article, in the process of typing I am either not perturbed how the sentences will turn out because Microsoft word spot mistakes, provides similes, and antonyms if not more options.

Okay outside the fact that chat slangs is responsible for spoiling our English language, auto-correct is another responsible factor that is out here to make our literary senses go extinct. 

“Shakespeare didn’t have a smart phone to prove how smart he is”

Wrap up

The problem we fail to admit is, smart phones are here to make us dumb and dumber in disguise, I am pretty sure if many of us are to be tested via dictation like the research stated above, we are likely to fail but it won’t happen because we have these gadgets to help us even while we seek for certain jobs and appointment but the day we find ourselves in a position where these gadgets are not available, the results would be so fatal.

I urge us all to cross check the corrected versions of words and sentences so we can learn from it and avoid short hands, life is a learning process. 

I believe the advent of these gadgets wasn’t just to make life easier but to teach and guide our understanding. 

Would love to hear your worst experience on this smart issue

You can also Check out the article  Chat Slangs

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