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     Just like how gold is made beautiful and pure by its hot, form charging smelting, so is a man made or marred by the experience which he has undergone. These processes though sometimes unpleasant are necessary for making a man who he is. A gold smith does not spare his metal the heat of the furnace because he knows that a low heat will only serve to make it devoid of goodness in time to come, he perseveres with no consideration for himself, purifies the metal and makes it a lot most sought after commodity. It goes to say therefore that the knowledge we have gathered over the years through our individual experiences were necessary in the persons that we have become, it was aimed at beautifying us and making us of unquantifiable worth. This is the furnace where our attitudes are formed. These are the properties we have chosen to take away from those purifying processes and therefore it forms the foundations of our being. Our thought pattern, mindset, behaviour and general outlook on life is determined by our choice of attitude.

    One can decide to go through life experiences,  learning from it the lessons as they were intended to be taught...I recently saw an amazing video of the “World’s Most Successful People”, surprisingly,  their lives were seemingly full of "failures". Michael Jordan the basketball guru was told to quit his basketball team in high school because he was no good, he cried himself to sleep for many when one thinks basketball,  he thinks Michael Jordan. Steve Jobs was sacked from his place of work because he apparently had nothing to offer and had zero computer ability, he showed the world how daffy he was by co-founding Apple Inc. Oprah Winfrey had an abusive childhood, and was relieved of her duties in a television company because she had no future in showbiz, if only they would see her today. Now the story would have been different for these people, they had all the excuses to be failures, why? Life has been so unfair to them, nobody believed in them. Thomas Edison was told invariably by his teachers that he was a retard and his light bulb making experience reminded him of it 99 consecutive times, he had every reason to stay a failure but he was determined to prove them wrong and now he is celebrated. 
   Attitude, positive attitude, will motivate one to take valuable lessons from every experience or challenge what one faces or is bound to face.
    A negative attitude will dole out the opposite. It gives one a "wronged feeling”, like I have been brutally victimized by this cruel world and hurt so much that I cannot bear to be burnt a second time...I'd prefer to live quietly and lick my wounds since nobody thinks me any good. A man with a negative attitude is suspicious of the world and its inhabitants as he perceives them all in a conspiracy to bring him down. This brings hostility, an inability to accept good ideas and since they have decided to pay the world back in its own coin, they rarely ever have anything positive and selfless to contribute to it. Not because they lack ideas, they seem to be unwilling to do good to a world that have treated them "badly". One such example is a man born poor, raised poor too, who had no opportunity to experience the "good things" of life  that money affords and who ends up amounting to nothing and blaming God and the world for social segregation. Pastor Chris will always say, “It may not be a man's fault if he were born poor, but it is if he chooses to remain poor”
   Our attitudes determines the quality of our lives and our lives are bettered when we walk in the consciousness of the fact that the world is not against us and peradventure it were, we would show it, how much goodness and beauty we have on the inside of us.
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