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SMART #STUDY by NewdawnBrother

   Students go through the battlefield of understanding which doesn’t only limit their grade but affect their personality at some point due to recurring failures. Thanks to Information Communication Technology, it’s high time you say goodbye to poor grades. Information Communication Technology if used adequately is the best tool that can soak a student into the pool of knowledge.
   “Your eyes store only 50% of what it sees while the ears store another 50% resulting to a 100% when combined”. This statement can be related to a course in mass communication which x-rays the difference between the two major broadcast medium which is Radio and Television. The Radio which is the cheapest means of broadcast appeals to only one sense which is the ears unlike the Television which appeals to two senses which is the Ears and Eyes therefore making it cut through barrier of forgetfulness. The television medium promotes and enhances photographic memory.
   Listening and seeing act side by side during Study, they can’t be left out. Although one can pass an exam with mere reading or mere listening but why eat white rice without stew or sauce?
   Do you know what you taught in school is just a mere guide? The real lecture is the one you give yourself. There are several ways of teaching yourself effectively. The best teacher in this world is yourself; you must go out there and look for your own examples, points, reviews that will boost your confidence in answer formation.
   As a student, what gives you a good grade goes beyond slotting the right answers on your sheets rather “convincing whoever is going to mark your sheet that you know what you are writing”. Your answer needs to be practical, something that was implemented in the past and can be implemented into existence in relation to the course.
   Information is power…
   In this generation how many people do you think read magazines or newspaper? It’s limited. Everyone has gone digital, reading news from their tabs and smart phones either as a student or worker. Well the good news is this can assist you in your educational life as a student.
   Make good use of your gadgets by recording audio files of your lecturer or teacher in class, create a folder specifying the course, save recorded files of the course in the folder and rename the file to the accurate topic for easy identification.  Read it during your spare time or you sleep listening to it, so that the information can sink deeper. Search the net for related information pertaining to the topic because relying on hardcopy books can be really boring unlike phones and laptops that gives you digital and colorful atmosphere to study. A student who relies on the traditional means of study is likely to be blunt in his answers compared to the other who uses modern research technique.
   On the other hand, Information Communication Technology has been abused by been a major tool of distraction but in this case if well used it can be a major tool for educational success.
