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Long long time ago, a young boy fell into an abyss of love. The girl in question happened to doubt him due to hearsay of how men lie in love tone. The boy looked for ways to convince her that he truly loved her still every attempt beats the air to a wilderness of disbelief.

Several men approached this young damsel; she chose to cling to this young boy because he caused her heart to beat rhythmically in tune to youthful vigor. What a wonder, their love shone before men creating envy and jealousy amongst suitors, friends and even family members.

“True love never and wouldn’t exist, not in this time nor the one after”.

The boy guided his heart profusely from the sour seedlings thrown into the air by the doubting Thomas of that era. He knew what he was looking for, for he had found the perfect ground to sow a seed all men/women will someday clinch its honeyed fruits into the fists of their heart.

Time after time, years after years had passed. The damsel needed to settle for she felt her youthful vigor fading away. He convinced her she should wait a little more but she feared if she waited, he would settle for someone else. He fought this ideology that sunk deep in the roots of her mind. But she refused letting him uproot its stump.

One day she decided to travel to the other end of the world where she knew no one. Where she felt love may find her. The young boy approached her horsecar in astonishment; he knew nothing about her departure. She couldn’t look at him in the eye cos her intentions were broken bottles to sight.

He got angry and squeezed an envelope into her arms, left without uttering a word. In tears he soaked his cloths, mourning at the debris of the love tower they erected.

She refuse opening the letter so that her emotions won’t turn the horsecar backwards, she kept it sealed in a purse she barely used. Her intention was to let go of that old town without threads of memories.

Months turned to years, every relationship she got into never lasted. Her expectations weren’t measuring up to what she saw. Until the day she made up her mind to play along with the game fate shove her into. Finally she got married to the most handsome and wealthiest guy in town. She was happy and lived happy ever after…

A slap landed on her face, screaming and whirling shook the foundation of the mansion one early morning. Her husband was drunk in wine and sadness, he was in debt. He fired twenty maids without batting an eye. His head protruded in anger, he commanded her to pick up her stuff for they need to run away.

She went into her room in blurry vision, dazed and sedated. What have I put myself into? She questions her lonely self. She packed her stuff quickly; suddenly she saw her old purse. Noise in the background faded into absolute silence. Nostalgic flashes beamed in front of her, the picnics, the lovebird songs, the promises made…she reached out for the purse, deep her hand into it to get the letter. She brought out the letter, sat on the floor and opened her mouth as though she saw a ghost.

 The letter reads…

My Beloved...
Every now and then I place myself in your shoe to see what if feels like loving a man. I wonder how strong a lady can be towards shunning finery temptations lurking around all to be with one man. I appraise your strength.

Falling in love with me has opened my eyes to the realities of the world especially the emotional and the ignored part of life. Good relationships are hard to come by, they take a lot to build and it’s never a one man’s work, its takes two sides to rock a canoe. It’s one thing to want to work, and another for your other half to be willing to improve and keep the canoe aligned.

I ask myself who will love me like you do, who will get to know me the way you do?

I weigh my future based on our naked values, not on the apparel you wear or the fashion you embrace, all those can be upgraded within the twinkle of an eye. I focus on the naked part, the inward values that no man can see from the outside which I would be within the confined of my life.

That’s the real you, that’s the true woman every man is hunting for. I will be a fool to shun you for someone else. All these years I have carried my tools to mold and polish you. I’m not doing this for another man’s glee; I’m doing it for myself and the world’s adoration over us.  A love many quest for and never find.

The fear of you loosing me is similar to the fear I have lingering deep within me. The risk of letting go cracks the foundation we build on and expands the dangers we are exposed to.

My loving you is a true test for the man I am. The more I love you, the more I pass my test. The more I pass my test, the more I become a new man. Loving you is more like my second salvation; it has opened my eyes to true maturity.

I don’t expect you to believe me completely, I want you to know I completely believe you will make the best choice someday.
I love you.

On reading this, she burst into deluge of tears and anguish. She regretted not reading the letter sooner than later. She wished she could pinch herself from the realistic nightmare she prayed would never emerge. It became clear she truly loved the young boy more than her expectations. She realized she was a weakling not to have fought for what she wanted. She beat herself cos she had seen her fears made her journey into mistaken lane.

She leaves her husband and journey into the previous town she met this young boy. On getting there, she looked all over town for him but couldn’t see him, she went to his address but he wasn’t there. People looked at her in marvel asking where she had been. Her search was more important. She remembered the garden they always had picnic and decided to check it out.

To her amazement, he was there. He had grown into a fine man. Finer than how she left him. Fresher than her imagination, he was indeed the true version of a man every woman would drool for. He sighted her and welcomed her with amazement. She couldn’t believe he would do such. She took him to a quiet corner. In tears, she told him she was sorry.

A beautiful woman approached them interrupting their silent dialogue. She asked the fine man if that was the lady he had always spoken about and he nodded. She welcomed the lady in tears with a warm heart telling her how long she had anticipated her arrival.

That same night, in a banquet hosting the noblest men and alluring women in the community, he was recognized as the mayor of the town, a man whose foot prints can never be wiped off the slate of time. That same night he told her he forgave her a long time ago, expressed how happy he feels knowing she now feels what he felt and he confessed he had named the garden after her name in remembrance of the love they shared.

And that’s the story of how met your father. The runaway girl is me, I figured out true love comes to everyone one time or the other, its left for you to identify it, nurture it and watch it blossom.

So let me ask you, does true love exist? 

This story was a freestyle inspired by one true Sparkling soul Omolola Ramos Deborah

and ohhh a sad news...i lost a post "Friendship vs. Dateship" i didn't update my rough copy after editing the blog post...its gone mehn...really sad. Did some web hacking stunts to get my previous caches but didn't work out well. So let it be. 

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