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   H0la everyone whatsupppp!!! Merry Christmas and a wonderful wonderful New year to everyone. Omg, it hasn’t been easy for me especially this year. So many things have been happening on my side which so far has kept me from my passion (inspiring you). It’s great to figure out that these things which have been keeping me away are the agents inspiring me for awesome articles coming up…indeed the break was mandatory and useful.

   One basic thing that has kept me off blogging these days is “Chores”…yes chores, the major work we can never run away from. The default work we are all employed into whether we like it or not. It’s pretty sweet I clearly embrace mine on time unlike some adults who act like babies when it comes to cleaning after themselves.

   Lately, I was assisting my mum in the kitchen when I figured out that mama really did a good job in raising her kids into independent beings who can survive and function anywhere/anytime. I told her thank you for the proper up bringing and she got wondering why lol.

   I realize there are many things we take for granted while growing which becomes ultimate priority and asset when we grow up. Before now girls used to blast me for being so homely but now I am grown up, it’s an asset which makes them just drool and fall for the nigger *winks*.

   Although, the journey of chores aint an easy one though.

   My Great Grandfather, Isaac Newton’s First Law of motion states that “A body will continue to be on rest unless an external force is added to it”.

   Your body is filled with potential energy, strength and vigor only you can bring into existence. When I was little, I got exposed to house chores early; I started with ironing my cloths then washing my cloths, later on sweeping, washing dishes, scrubbing the toilet and bathroom. We took turns in doing home chores which made it more interesting and less stressful. I figure out that home chores can be extremely boring, hectic, tasking and unpalatable. Sometimes, we just wanna be lazy.
   When your body is constant for a long time, atrophy emerges. You begin to become useless. There is a huge mind game I figured out “same energy you use in resting is same energy that can be exerted to get something done”. This transformative mind game propels me into getting things done easily. The said amount of energy needed to achieve any task has been installed in you; it’s left for you to develop it in order of achieving greater results.

    Below are some basic things we need to know about home chores and how they can transform your personality to worlds wonder.

Boost Independency: While growing up, I used to hear of stories where bachelors organize girls in turns to cook and clean for them. Initially I was like “oh yea that rocks” but later on I figure out “that sucks”. Any man that can’t make himself complete before marriage is likely to be a burden on his wife while married. Independency is one attribute of been an adult, it reflects your futuristic ambition of not weighing your partner down emotionally or physically. Every reasonable person has to strive to work towards been independent in order to have a happier life. My stay back in the university and now while serving is absolutely fantastic because I am independent.

Builds your strength: Chores are semi-gym, cardiovascular exercise and work out for children also adults. During chores, we do some squats, lift heavy/light objects, jump over obstacles, turn and twists etc which one way or the other keeps us fit and active. There are people who gain six packs from house chores [that person must be a villager anyway]. In the city we don’t really have many chores that requires extreme workout to give us commando physic but to a great extent it keeps us active towards achieving greater task in our offices, churches and society.

Most parents of the old generation are stronger today as a result of chores they did while they were little, living in a black and white life where things were done manually. Doing regular exercise is just another way of boosting your energy towards executing task swiftly.
Problem solving: Computer wasn’t formed in a day, the smart phones we use today are as a result of daily practices and upgrades of previous products. Anything you do regularly, you develop on it.

When you do chores regularly, you develop accurate/easier methods at which you can achieve a task speedily. Blasé Pascal worked in his dad’s office as an accountant where he figured out that task are slow in execution. In order to speed up execution processes, he invented “The Pascaline” although his invention had issues like “breaking often, can’t be repaired by anyone except him…” still his invention can’t be ignored when talking of the forefathers of computers.

Some task we face regularly and daily can be synonymous with the chores we do at home. There are millions of ideas we get exposed to as we do house chores thereby making us problem solvers.

Inspiration segment: Chores are more like yoga, they activate your meditation mood, flash backs sensor and futuristic senses leading to inspiring present. Most of my write-ups come from the chores I do. As I am washing dishes or cleaning the house, I get thinking deep. Ideas whisper themselves to me, I engage myself in an intra-personal conversation on any topic, x-ray the topic from various angles, reason out problem/solutions. Most times while doing chores, my pen and paper are beside or notepad on my phone so I can jolt bullet points for sensitive articles later on.

Chores are another way of clearing your mind from issues and stress. I remember watching a movie where a girl was heartbroken and the only thing she could do to clear it off was cleaning her kitchen by 2am.

I recommend you play your favourite playlist while doing chores, they fuel your soul/muscles with the right energy. You can take out dance practices and fooling of self section interchangeably. 

Makes you feel relevant: What do people think about you when you are around them? I know we all have lazy friends who just come into our house and scatter the whole place we spent time keeping together. When I was in boarding school, I observe how people treated their stuff carelessly, when I was in the university I was shocked to see my flat mates pile up dirt at the corridor for weeks without batting an eye at the offensive sight or stench it ooze.

Anywhere I go, I clean. I can’t stand the sight of certain things. My hardworking nature makes me relevant everywhere I step into. Things other considers as stress are the things I execute with ease. Back in the university I remember cleaning up this horrific bog like corridor, I clear the area, spray air-refresher…there was a time I had to buy dirt basket for each rooms in order to keep it clean yet my flat took award for “the dirtiest flat” [God have mercy].

Each time I am with my mum, she is extremely happy knowing fully well that amma keep everywhere sparkling clean and ease lots of stress from her [I believe that’s what every parent aspire].

How happy do people get over your presence?
Promote healthy lifestyle: I don’t think there is anyone that would visit me and won’t feel comfortable. Is it the fresh air you breathe or the comfort you feel, either way you just want to visit again and again. Some day we are going to have our family and raise kids. What are we going to teach them if we cannot lead by example? 

Most adults who did household chores when they were little turn out to be homely people. Your soft spot enlarges, arrangement of priorities upgrades, and you become understanding, patient, even enhance team spirit and also act as a role model to people someday.

Think of the end result your chores can fetch you…clean and clear atmosphere, orderly environment, cool and calm space for healthy well being.

Kills Boredom: There are times where I delay my chores in order to have something doing for that day. When I am done, I get to rest/sleep like someone who worked for a million buck. I also feel less bored because I got myself something done which I am benefiting from.

   In conclusion chores on its own is a complete work outside the office, this explains why most house wives complain seem irrelevant to their husbands who barely stay at home. Basically people who don’t appreciate abstract effort are the ones who practically do nothing. The beginning of home chores is the beginning of appreciating a woman [your mother especially].
   To my lovely parents out there, even with your house help in the house, let your kids do chores by themselves either with assistance and supervision. You won’t always be with them every day of their lives so don’t ruin their future by nurturing spoilt brats. I know of prominent people who take out time to do chores, handsome boys and beautiful damsels who are homely and humble to work and tidy their home. To those who are currently pros in house chores, keep it up, i am proud of you.

   As a guy, chores make you independently complete, swag-ful, responsible, manly, cognitive and romantic. To many who don’t know, when the reality of life hits you, remember this article. 

   This article came in timely due to the Christmas season. I know there are couple of errands and chores waiting, lets do it with clean and clear mind.
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  1. P.s As children, since we not putting food on the table, its advicable we make our parents proud and ease their stress by tidying our environment. The reward is far greater than the energy exerted in executing whatever activity.

  2. hmm, nice one there Mr Paul' Newton, is good to know where we are coming from through those rough yrs of experience (parents) and no one ever thought of where we will end up. I will quote you again.... don't mind my stupid reasoning you know i'm part of those who don't exist, lazy, toiling around like some useless adult acting like a baby. But thanks for this article... you've imprinted in me something valuable and something to go after... I think, i will become person of interest. But if i may ask Mr Paul, is it everyone our parents shows us good examples or is it we decided not to follow or it is old doctrine or modern stupidity.
    PS: quoting you. Never mind... Just joking.. I remain Ghost "Theoracle"

    1. One.rule of been an adult is *life is an open world game* We living it however mission we pin important.

      Upgrades are available, just that choice determines consequence. (Beyond Two Souls)
      Thanks for reading The Oracle.

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