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Lately, I was reading a book by Heather Matthew “Manifestation Primer” and I came across something striking.

She said there was an interesting study on Ivy-League graduates where Three percent (3%) of the graduate wrote their goals down while Ninety-seven percent (97%) didn’t. 10years later, the 3% that wrote down their goals, made more money than the 97% combined.

Unbelievable? Yea

Let’s take out a few seconds and observe something. Do you know that the very place you find yourself today is something you knowingly worked towards? I’m talking about the couch you are sitting on and this article you are reading.

No one forced you down here, you let yourself consciously do these things, same is applied to our goals.

We don’t just achieve our goals by chance…it’s something we consciously work/walk towards.

No matter how sharp minded we are, we term to forget couple of vital details of events and ideas especially after been exposed to lots of information and distractions from the world. This is why we need to write our dreams down.

Here are some reasons why and how we can write it down.

How can you write it down

1. Create a dream board/book/dairy: You have to use whatever you can to create a vivid picture of what you want to achieve and what’s in your head.

You can cut out pictures from magazines, newspapers or print images to suite your dream and add basic captions where they belong. Other times for short term goals, you can use the following diagram below.

2. Create a defined goal with images: All you need is one goal at a time, you can’t do everything at ones therefore you need to take it one step after the other.

Remember there is no overnight success; only constant impression on a particular thing for a long period of time brings a lasting result.

Check out this article: Why overnight success is unrealistic.

3. Let it be in an ascending order:  Let it start from now, if you do it from the top to the bottom, you might have issues knowing what next to follow because it’s from the short term goals, your long term goals becomes achieved.

Check out this article: How to make your dream real 101

Why do you need to write it down

1. Enable you know where and how to get resources: Ever seen an evidence board before?

It’s full with different pictures of places, witnesses, evidences, bio, victims and suspects. This enables the investigator to know the next lead and track his progress towards completion of case.

2. Exposes similar minds that can assist: Sid Savara in his book “7 Reasons Why Good People Still Fail” he said

“Learn from people who can not only help you fix the mistakes you know you have, but who can help you fix the mistakes you don't even realize you're making.”

To be frank, you can’t do it all alone, you need a team or certain set of people who are ahead of you (mentors, leaders, role-models, family members) to put you in good shape.

3. Gives room for evaluation and review: Since you have it written plain and bold, you can go back and make necessary editing, further review and have a mental picture of the execution process.

Other tips
Have a time table if needed: You might have to carve a time table to enhance your routine.

Let me ask?
Do you know your peak time?
What are your distractions?

If you can spot these two, you will be able to work effectively cos they won’t collide.

You don't wanna be doing same thing to get a different result like this guy

Wrap up
Use what you have to get what you want. You might not have a high powered laptop or internet but just know back in the days of the Aristotle and other power scientist; they lived in the black and white but yet made tremendous change that brought colour to our generation…so you got no excuse.
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