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Time management these days seems so new to certain individuals. Some people feel it’s a new trending phrase unknown that it has existed since the beginning of the context “Success”

Check out this article: Why overnight success is unrealistic.

Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity.

Bending time is a good super power everyone who wants to be successful has to harness.

We all have 24hours a day, while some waste theirs; others are using theirs to a maximum capacity and have spare time to do other activities.

The bad news is that time flies.
The good news is that you are the pilot.
Michael Altshuler

Here are some few reasons why Nigerians aren’t good in time management;

1. Can’t differentiate important from urgent: Important task are things that aid your progress towards achieving a goal while Urgent are things are less important.

“Some people can’t eat the ugliest frog first” Ugliest frog signify the most difficult task that seems somewhat like a nightmare.

Stephen Covey's Urgent/Important Matrix

2. Don’t break things into task: People often complain they are seriously busy or got a lot to do but can’t break big tasks into smaller units and fractions for easy execution.

They go on complaining using current unplanned task to counter further task that are important.

This leads to compilation of several tasks and inability to meet up deadlines.

Check out this article: Write it down

3. Poor transportation system: Because time is the currency humanity operates with, transportation on the other hand conveys our task from one zone to another hand enables quick operation and execution of tasks.

Although, due to poor road networking, commuter service distribution, people suffer to move from one place to another.

A smooth road today can become a traffic party the next day, the unpredictable nature of transportation slows the progress towards executing your task.

4. Poor time managers affect the others: Birds of same feathers flock together. When you are surrounded by people who can’t manage their own time, they somewhat affect your time with their rigorous demands and supply chain.

 5. Epileptic power supply: Technology in gadgets are what we rely on to transmit sensitive messages or derive accurate knowledge from to propagate a task.

When there is shortage in power, it slows task execution cos gathering of resources and information can nearly be possible.

However, this is will make the individual rely on transportation which isn’t reliable due to its ambiguous nature.

This is where the invention of Nigerian time emerged from.

6. Miscellaneous: Urgent phone calls, text messages, errands can just come from anywhere especially from a higher authority or even a fellow poor time manager which disrupt your current plan and task.

Falling back to poor transportation and epileptic power supply, the individual’s time can never be managed.

Time wasters such as social media, cable channels and trivial conversations are Nigerians favorites resulting to vault high dispense of their time only to reap weak, short and unreliable solution.

Wrap up
In order to achieve good usage of time, you have to keep an accurate inventory of what you do with your time. Find out what consumes more on your time and look out for a way to manage it.

Try reading books or doing some free mini course on Time management to enhance your skills on it.

In order to manage my time, I try posting articles on my blog very early in the morning before the day stress and urgent matters kick in and in other occasion, I write ahead of time to lessen the stress.

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