“Renegade”, “Outlaw”, “Boss”, “Mr/Mrs I don’t give two f***s” (can’t even borrow you one) whatever you call yourself, well-done!!! Keep up the good work!!! Someday on your dying bed lying lonely, you’d then ask yourself “where have I missed it”.
Since 2017 started, I’ve been through a breaking process. O’hail!!! To those who grabbed their copy of Broken Part 1. It was indeed a blessing to its readers. Part 2 is coming in really hot (I prepare some spicy action intro)
Click to download Broken Part 1
Everyone who knows me “Newton Paul” is fully aware of my level of love and care for humanity. Plainly speaking, it’s thorny maintaining such stance in a world that has gone rogue.
Assuredly, I found a way to get through the thick and thin while maintaining my stance. Lately, I found myself caring more than ever without feeling hurt, disturbed or bothered.
These are the reasons why I care so much about you;
I) Your prayers
I grew up wrapped up in care despite meeting a wooden spoon in my mouth. Because my mother gave me the proper definition of love, I figured out how starved many people are of care to the extent they make it a prayer point.
Every day, people pray for a helper in various level of life. I see myself as answers to people’s prayers in any area I can function.
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This was another reason that sparked the hunger to blog.
II) Proving evil perception wrong
People say things like “the world is such a bad place; you can’t even find a good person” but an encounter with me will change your perspective about that perspective.
Change starts with an individual; I know deep down my attitude towards someone has given them hope to live for another day.
III) Because I want to be treated same way
Just so you know, people are highly sensitive to those who show them care but are damn lazy to give it back and applause you. (I wish I could purge on them though)
IV) Caring is a seed
Every corner of the earth I have been to, I’ve imprinted a mark that says “Newton was here” in the minds of people. Coming future, I know certain favours will come with ease and my kids won’t suffer wherever they might be.
Although, while I do show care, I don’t sit down expecting in return cos I know what you sow you reap but it might not come in the same way you sow it.
I drew this sense from Mathew 6:2-4 MSG
When you do something for someone else, don’t call attention to yourself. You’ve seen them in action, I’m sure – ‘play actors’ I call them…When you help someone out, don’t think about how it looks. Just do it - quietly and unobtrusively
This is my little secret to how I overcame frustration.
Wrap up
I live my day as if it was the last, I live my day as if there was no past, it’s up to you to live your life the way you want it, I’m not chunking a huge new attitude down your throat but good people copy great things.
Ctrl+C this attitude and watch your life soar into a greater height.
Happy New Month guys.
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