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Everything big starts small yea? How small does it have to be for it to be big enough? I keep asking myself this question time after time.

If you take a close look at your skin, it has small pore holes where sweat erupts from; a collection of skeletal muscles makes up the flesh. On the other hand, tiny-miny sperm fertilizes an egg for a gigantic you to be formed. Lest we forget the smallest unit of life is a cell.

Same goes with our personalities, there are tiny-miny trait or characters we exhibit that form the complete picture of us. Some are good, some are bad…some are intermediate; either way it paints a perfect picture of us.

Concurrently, a pixel is the smallest unit of a digital image or graphic that can be displayed and represented on a digital display device. It’s the amount of pixels that makes a picture sharp, dull or blurry.

If you are into graphic design like me, you can zoom into a big picture till you see the bits and pieces it is made up off. The more you zoom in, the more meaningless the image becomes.

This the zoomed in version of the original image above. 
The closer you get to people, the more you see their flaws, faults and wahala. It’s not something you really get to see in the open because from afar they are looking whole and beautiful.

Deceptive pixels

There was this pretty girl I used to admire from afar back in my university years. I skillfully used force to befriend her only for the glorified façade that made me want her melt away and tada!!!…I saw the bits and pieces of her which was the direct opposite of her full blown beauty.

She was extremely unkempt, lousy, rude, and extravagant…what manner of negatives can I think of? As a matter of fact, it was at this point I figured out “Beauty + No Brian = Ugly”

She turned out to look like a crab lol

Successful pixel

On the other hand of this, big things start small. As small as you staying awake at night to work on that project, as small as you gathering knowledgeable facts and figures, as small as you volunteering for that event, giving out your time, energy and creativity to get things done for either yourself or other people, creates a beautiful picture of your life when zoomed out.

Success to anything and everything is never over night, it is the little effort put into it that makes it whole.
Readup: Why overnight success is unrealistic

Endangering pixel

That little lie you told your spouse the other day can send you two parking both ways when it becomes a fully blown reality.

That drug you keep abusing everyday can damage your health to an unrepaired state if you keep doing it over and over.

Wrap up
Little things are big. The little things occupy the biggest part of our heart; they spark fire that is unquenchable leaving you to burn with passion of life.

Life is full of pixels; remember is not all about you, you can as well be someone’s tiny-miny colorful moment that would make a perfect picture of who they are.

Not until you make a meaning to yourself first, you can never fit into someone’s picture. 

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